South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission

The South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission is governed by a Board of Directors including a representative from the Town’s of Olds, Bowden, Innsifail and Penhold, Red Deer County and Mountain View County. The Commission was established by order of the Minister of Municipal Affairs by Alberta Regulation 52/2008, and the bylaws and governance are compliant with the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26.

The Commission’s administration, management, financial services and operations supervision are provided by contractors experienced in managing complex industrial-scale operations. The Commission also is supported by Stantec Consulting Ltd. who provides technical engineering design, procurement and construction management services to support the Commission’s ongoing operations and capital projects. Finally, the Commission complies with the operating standards as defined in the Code of Practice requirements set by the Minister of Environment and Parks.

South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission Members

Mike Walsh (Chair)

Town of Penhold

Jean Bota (Vice Chair)

Red Deer County

Wanda Blatz

Town of Olds

Robb Stuart

Town of Bowden

Jim Romane

Town of Innisfail

Al Kemmere

Mountain View County

Michael Wuetherick

P.Eng, Chief Administrative Officer

Don Munro

CET, Operations Supervisor

Christina Oxley

Accounting Administrator

What Not to Flush

The Commission provides transmission services to member municipalities in Central Alberta. In order to maintain reliable service to residents, the Commission is continuously completing maintenance projects throughout the system. One of the main contributors to equipment failures and operations upsets relates to the flushing of many “flushable” or “dissolvable” products that accumulate in the system. Even if the package is marked as “flushable” these products, in fact, do not breakdown. These materials often combine with other wastes such as fats, oils and grease and form giant blockages that can plug pipelines and damage pumping equipment.

As a general guideline, if it isn’t human waste or toilet paper don’t flush it!  Here are some examples of specific items that should not enter the wastewater collection systems:

Working with your Community:

The Commission services are limited to the transmission of wastewater to the City of Red Deer Wastewater transplant.  The Commission does not operate any wastewater collection facilities serving individual homes or businesses.  For further information on water and wastewater utilities provided by member municipalities please refer to the appropriate link: